Friday, 7 October 2016

2016 NSW Selective School results from Mathemafix users

The selective results from Mathemafix users look very strong this year. The highest profile of 256.73 was achieved. It is pretty amazing to see the top student scored just over 90% in raw marks. It is a bit odd to see that this performance plus school marks of around 98% only gave 256.73/300. So the scaling of the whole OC class is in question here. It is also interesting to note that most of the scholarship winners did not even get over 240/300. So this means writing makes a lot of difference in scholarship tests (whereas it makes little impact to selective school test profile). It is also worth notice that kids who had light tutoring or only help from parents were among the best performers. The raw marks and school marks reported by parents reveal a fact that school marks can play a significant role if school marks fall under 90%. Students do get heavily penalised due to internal school ranking. If the school marks are low, they could drag the profile down by 10-15 points even when the raw test marks look really great.

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