This blog will take the load off the Mathemafix message board by hosting important information about 2022 OC preparation.
29 Oct
Finally, the OC result is out. Some parents have not received email from the SSU. Parents can just log on the SSU website where they applied for the OC to see the result.
Then on the webpage, there is a link to the performance bands as well.
Generally, kids need to be in the top 10% to get a place in a top tier OC class. One of the band can be in the second band (15%) which is the top 25% to get a place in a middle level OC class.
22 Oct
The result for the 2022 OC test will come out very soon. The SSU says it will come out late Oct so it must be out by next week. We will expect a great set of result. This year, they changed the reporting format so parents will not get much details from their reports. The information they give is ranking relative to other candidates.
They do not indicate where a student lands in any range. So, when they say a student is in the 25% band, they mean the student is between 51% and 74%. And obviousl;y, there is world of difference between 51% and 74%. So, parents cannot compaer the results. Even in the 15% band, the student will be beween 76% and 89% and that is also very wide so we cannot compare.
To make it into one of the good OC class, students are expected to be in the top 10% band for all areas.
28 July
Congrats on finishing the OC test. I will update this blog as students do the survey and later when the result comes come back.
14 July
Now is probably the time for students who have done at least 6 OC trials to do the sample Cambridge OC test provided by the SSU. This sample can be done on Mathemafix website or on paper.
The year 6 students doing teh 2022 selectiev test reported that Cambridge put more hard matsh problem solving into teh TS paper. I think this is to stop students from getting a high mark. So, students should practise hard matsh probem solving. Doing the year 4 Singapore maths past papers on the page Download will help.
13 July
We are only 2 weeks away from the OC test. It's now so important that students should complete 6 trial sets.Past experience shows that when the trial average is about 65%, there is hope at low OC classes. An average around 70% is needed to get a place in a middle ranked OC class. For the OC classes in the NW of Sydney, students would need an OC average trial score around 80%.
Here is the trial results so far.
12 July
Here is the OC for 2021 as reported by some parents. It gives an idea what your child will need to get to get a placement. The test in 2021 was a shortened version and it was done online due to covid.